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import schedule from 'node-schedule';

 * Base Job class
class Job {
   * Constructor
   * @param {Object} param param
   * @param {number} param.id Job id
   * @param {string} param.pattern pattern string
   * @param {Object} param.user Hubot user
   * @param {Object} param.meta Data for Job
   * @param {Function} [param.cb] callback
  constructor({id, pattern, user, meta, cb}) {
     * Job id
     * @type {number}
    this.id = id;

     * pattern
     * @type {string}
    this.pattern = pattern;

     * Instance of node-schedule Job
     * @type {Object|null}
    this.job = null;

     * Object of serialized Hubot user
     * @type {Object}
    this.user = {};

     * Data for Job
     * @type {Object}
    this.meta = meta;

     * Callback
     * @type {Function?}
    this.cb = cb;

    Object.keys(user).forEach(k => {
      this.user[k] = user[k];

   * Execute Job
   * @param {Object} robot Hubot robot
  exec(robot) {  // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    // ex.
    // ```
    // envelope = @getEnvelope()
    // {message} = @meta
    // return -> robot.send envelope, message
    // ```
    throw new Error('NotImplemented');

   * Get Hubot room id
   * @return {string}
  getRoom() {
    return this.user.room || this.user.reply_to;

   * Get envelope for robot
   * @return {Object}
  getEnvelope() {
    return {user: this.user, room: this.getRoom()};

   * Start Job
   * @param {Object} robot Hubot robot
  start(robot) {
    this.job = schedule.scheduleJob(this.pattern, () => {
      if (this.cb) {

   * Cancel Job
  cancel() {
    if (this.job) {
    if (this.cb) {

   * Serialize Job data
   * @return {Object}
  serialize() {
    const {pattern, meta, user} = this;
    return {pattern, meta, user};

export default Job;