import fetch from 'isomorphic-fetch';
import cheerio from 'cheerio';
const STATUS_OK = 200;
const STATUS_NOT_FOUND = 404;
* @typedef {Object} Stats
* @property {Array<{date: string, count: number}>} contributions - List of contributions
* @property {CurrentStreak} currentStreak - Current streak
* @property {LongestStreak} longestStreak - Longest streak
* @property {Object} [summary] - Summary of contributions
* @property {string} summary.start - Start date of contributions
* @property {string} summary.end - End date of contributions
* @property {string} - Total contributions
* @property {?{date: string, count: number}} [summary.busiestDay] - Busiest day of contributions
* @propety {string} [calendar] - SVG of contributions calendar
* @example
* {
* contributions: [
* {date: '2015-01-23', count: 0},
* ...
* ],
* calendar: '<svg>....</svg>'
* currentStreak: {days: 0, end: null, start: null, unmeasurable: false},
* longestStreak: {days: 5, end: '2016-01-12', start: '2016-01-16', unmeasurable: false},
* summary: {
* busiestDay: {date: '2015-11-02', count: 34},
* end: '2016-01-23',
* start: '2015-01-23',
* total: 1271
* }
* }
* @typedef {Object} Streak
* @property {number} days - Days
* @property {?string} end - End date
* @property {?string} start - Start date
* @property {boolean} unmeasurable - Streak is over than 1 year
* Fetch contributions and streaks of GitHub user
* @param {string} username GitHub username
* @param {Object} [opts] Options
* @param {boolean} [opts.summary=true] Flag of includes summary
* @return {Promise<Stats, Error>}
export function fetchStats(username, {summary = true} = {}) {
return fetchContributions(username).then(contributionData => {
const {contributions} = contributionData;
const streakData = getStreaks(contributions);
return Object.assign({}, contributionData, streakData);
}).then(result => {
const res = Object.assign({}, result);
if (summary) {
return Object.assign({}, res, {summary: summarizeContributions(res.contributions)});
return res;
* Fetch contributions of GitHub user
* @param {string} username - GitHub username
* @return {Promise<{calendar: string, contributions: Array<{date: string, count: number}>}, Error>}
export function fetchContributions(username) {
return fetchGitHub(`${username}/contributions`)
.then(html => {
return {
calendar: html,
contributions: parseCalendar(cheerio(html))
* Fetch HTML from GitHub
* @param {string} url - URL
* @return {Promise<string, Error>}
function fetchGitHub(url) {
return fetch(url).then(res => {
if (res.status === STATUS_NOT_FOUND) {
throw new Error('USER_NOT_FOUND');
} else if (res.status !== STATUS_OK) {
throw new Error('CANNOT_FETCH_DATA');
return res.text();
* Parse data to streak
* @param {Array<{date: string, count: number}>} contributions - List of contributions
* @return {{currentStreak: Streak, longestStreak: Streak}}
function getStreaks(contributions) {
const start = contributions[0].date;
const end = contributions.slice(-1)[0].date;
const streak = {days: 0, start: null, end: null, unmeasurable: false};
let currentStreak = Object.assign({}, streak);
let longestStreak = Object.assign({}, streak);
contributions.forEach(ret => {
if (ret.count > 0) {
currentStreak.days += 1;
currentStreak.end =;
if (!currentStreak.start) {
currentStreak.start =;
if (currentStreak.days >= longestStreak.days) {
longestStreak = Object.assign({}, currentStreak);
} else if ( !== end) {
currentStreak = Object.assign({}, streak);
if (currentStreak.start === start && currentStreak.end === end) {
currentStreak.unmeasurable = true;
longestStreak.unmeasurable = true;
return {currentStreak, longestStreak};
* Parse HTML to list of contribution
* @param {Object} $calendar - cheerio object
* @return {Array<{date: string, count: number}>}
function parseCalendar($calendar) {
const data = [];
$calendar.find('rect').each((i, elm) => {
const $rect = cheerio(elm);
const date = $rect.attr('data-date');
if (!date) {
count: parseInt($rect.attr('data-count'), 10)
return data;
* Summarize list of contribution
* @param {Array<{date: string, count: number}>} contributions - List of contribution
* @return {{end: string, start: string, total: number, busiestDay: {date: string, count: number}}}
function summarizeContributions(contributions) {
let busiestDay = null;
let total = 0;
contributions.forEach(d => {
if (d.count > 0 && (!busiestDay || d.count > busiestDay.count)) {
busiestDay = d;
total += d.count;
return {
end: contributions.slice(-1)[0].date,
start: contributions[0].date,